How Eating Green and Living Sustainably Is Good For Your Health
Friday, August 04, 2017
The food we eat and our health have an undeniable
connection. On occasions though this relationship can become complicated and somewhat confusing. The confusion may be a result of the constant media coverage
of fast foods and other unhealthy alternatives. However, there is one thing you can be sure of when it
comes to attaining optimal health and that is choosing sustainable food is the best thing for your health. You will be on the right path when you make the much-needed
connection between your health and sustainable living.
The growing awareness of raising organic foods in an ethical and
ecologically responsible manner to incorporate in your daily lifestyle. Sustainable agriculture is the change of the day. Sustainable agriculture employs practices that provide fair
treatment to workers, are humane to farm animals, safeguard human health, and
protect the environment.
Eating food grown or raised according to these principles is
what eating sustainably essentially means.There are countless benefits of eating sustainably including
the potential to increase consumption of certain nutrients and antioxidants and
decreasing exposure to harmful substances such as unhealthful food additives,
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and pesticides.
The holiday season is when sustainable thinking is definitely the mindset one should have. There are many people that purchase impulsively when
shopping for holiday meals and get-togethers. Often, they end up regretting as
a lot of food goes to waste. In order to figure out exactly what you’re going to need and
to only buy what you’re actually going to use, plan your meals beforehand. This
will help prevent the food from going to waste.
Additionally, learn to purchase in bulk. Such a practice is economical as
buying in bulk costs less and also lowers your travel cost by reducing the
frequency of your visits to the local store.The sustainable benefit of this is lesser carbon footprint
and fewer bags to dispose.
You will also be supporting a more environmentally and socially
responsible food system by eating sustainably. This makes it a win-win
situation for the earth, its inhabitants and the entire ecosystem!