Vegan Bamboo Toilet Paper is Hands Down the Most Eco-friendly Cruelty Free Choice Out There
Thursday, August 13, 2020
How can toilet paper possibly hurt animals? Well it can. Manufacturers that test animals to make products or use gelatin to hold the tissue rolls together actually do. As a vegan, this reality would not be so easy to swallow. The average consumption of toilet paper in the US is 141 rolls per person a year as of 2019. Wouldn't finding an alternative be the best course of action? This is where vegan bamboo toilet paper comes into the equation. Here are five things you didn't know and more importantly 5 reasons why we think you should use vegan bamboo toilet paper to keep the environment sustainable and animals safe.
Made from Bamboo
Many are aware now that bamboo is the world’s fastest-growing plant. When comparing bamboo side by side to that of a tree, the bamboo grass plant would definitely be the most sustainable choice. Trees consume lots of fertilizers and take years to grow, but the bamboo grass just sprouts up. It is insanely rampant and a great absorbent of carbon emissions. Bamboo can be replenished every 2 to 4 years making it the go to plant for toilet paper. Pairing this characteristic with the ever-growing need for more toilet paper, one can see that bamboo grass matches up in ways virgin pulp trees never will. Bamboo usage will leave the environment healthy and less affected.
Gelatin-Free- No Animal by-Products Used
Being a vegan advocate reinforces a zero tolerance for all forms of animal cruelty. You firmly believe zero, none and no animal by-products should be used when manufacturing any type of toilet paper. Gelatin, stearic acid and stearic acid derivatives are some of the most common ingredients derived form pork and beef products that is used in many personal care products. Gelatin is a yellowish, odorless and nearly tasteless substance that is made by prolonged boiling of animal skin, cartilage and bones from many different animals. It's the leftover from the meat industries such as cattle bones, horns and skins. So many people don't even realize that allthree, but mainly gelatin is used as "glue" in holding or keeping the paper fibers together on a toilet paper roll. There are also many food products, pharmaceuticals and different personal care products besides toilet paper that contain gelatin. Choosing a vegan bamboo toilet paper reinforces the commitment that using sustainable products will help protect and preserve the earth as well as protect our animals.
100% Organic & Chlorine Free
Did you know that thousands of chemicals are used for the commercial production of conventional virgin pulp toilet paper? As soft and white as they appear, the truth is they could be very toxic for our bodies. Of all the chemicals, chlorine is the most dangerous toxin. During the process of manufacturing, these toilet papers are processed with chlorine bleach. When in use, the chlorine present creates dangerous toxins such as dioxins and furans which when accumulated can put your health in danger. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with these issues using vegan bamboo toilet paper. It is 100% organic, vegan, chlorine free and cruelty free.
Cruelty Free
Many popular toilet paper brands in a bid to ensure market satisfaction either bind their tissue fibers with animal gelatin or test their product on animals. Some even do both. As a vegan or proponent of having the most healthy toilet paper for your family, it should be your top priority to exclude all products and activities that result in animal cruelty. Since conventional toilet brands do this directly or indirectly, going vegan seems to be the best option.
RV and Septic Safe
Unlike other conventional virgin pulp tissue papers, bamboo toilet paper is 100% biodegradable and septic safe for all disposal systems. It is perfect for RVs and campers. Campers tend to have a greater appreciation for nature and it's inhabitants which makes vegan bamboo toilet paper the toilet paper of choice.
There are many reasons why you should try vegan bamboo toilet paper. Bamboo tissue paper not only creates an eco-friendly environment, but it will also protect the body from dangerous chemicals such as chlorine as well as preserve the environment. A very key benefit you should note is that when purchasing or using vegan bamboo toilet paper, you become a part of the team that makes sure no gelatin from animal by products are used to adhere the paper together on the rolls. Always remember that your actions or in actions will greatly impact the world we hope to sustain for many generations to come. Choose wisely and be a part of the generation of solutions.