Winter Ready? Try these Organic Remedies for Cold and Flu
Monday, September 21, 2020
We can all agree that catching cold or the flu can put a drag in your steps and make you feel completely under the weather. The flu can also come with severe headaches, cough, sore throat and fever to say the least. Let’s give you 5 natural remedies that you can find in your kitchen that can help reduce the symptoms, provide a cure and even prevent colds and flu.
Water and Juices
Water is one of the easiest and most accessible items you can find in the home. Water helps to keep you hydrated and helps your body fight the virus causing the flu. It helps to loosen up mucus and phlegm in your nose and throat, helping you feel and get better quickly. You do not have to just stick to water, you can take fresh fruit juices and coconut water as well.
This is another item you can easily find in your kitchen, grow in your garden or buy from the store. There has research that shows that ginger can alleviate the symptoms of cold and flu. You can chew a piece of ginger from time to time or boil it in some water and make your own ginger tea that can serve as both refreshment and medicine.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain a healthy amount of vitamin C. vitamin C is known to reduce the length of the cold and flu. They also help fight fever and put you on a faster route to recovering from colds and flu. You can find citrus in fruits like oranges, grapes, and lemon. If you are down with a cold or flu, lemonades or fresh orange juice should be a first choice for you.
Garlic is a simple food spice that can also be easily found at home and in the kitchen. Garlic not only helps to reduce symptoms of colds and flu, it can also help prevent future occurrences of the flu and other sicknesses. It is advisable to take in the garlic raw for quick and effective results. You can crush it, slice it or chew it. You can even make a smoothie out of it.
Honey is said to contain some antioxidants that can help fight colds and flu. Honey can soothe itchy throat easily, it also boosts your immune system, making it easy for you to recover from colds faster. Taking honey for colds is easy, you can just take one or two tablespoons of it from time to time or take with hot water every morning.
When you go green, you notice that you can solve simple health problems without having to break the bank or visit the pharmacy. All you have to do is just look around your kitchen and find solutions easily. The remedies you see mentioned above can be taken without the awful feeling like you are taking medication. Just relax, enjoy and take in nature's best while watching TV or reading a newspaper. Make it a daily and you don't have to worry about the children because they are also safe and recommended for children too.