Healthy Eating Habits When You're on the Run
Today’s busy professionals have hectic schedules not including the endless traveling, running late, fighting traffic, or being stuck at work until
wee hours. The trouble with always-on-the-run lifestyle is that you can easily
forfeit healthy eating and succumb to junk, fast foods and sugary treats. With
no time to exercise, you can find yourself in the jaws of obesity and other
lifestyle diseases.
In this article, we are going to walk you through 5 critical
tips on how to eat on the run.
(1) Load Up on Veggies and Fruits
Fruits and veggies are hands down the healthiest foods of all
time. Best of all, they are incredibly portable. As such, there’s simply no
excuse not to have several fruits or some sliced veggies on your office desk or
in your car. These healthy snacks will come in handy when you feel hungry,
saving you several snack runs to the vending machine
(2) Have a Menu Plan
Once the week starts, you’ll not have time to plan your
healthy menu. The rule of thumb is to prepare your menu on Sunday or Monday.
It’ll offer you an opportunity to keep a tab on your menu planning throughout
the week as well as a plan to use up what you have in your pantry or fridge. Did
anyone forget to use the vegetables in the crisper?
Planning your menu offers a twofold benefit: (1) you’ll make
sure that your meals are well-balanced and healthier, (2) you’ll get the
recipes ready well in advance, saving you time when it comes to cooking.
(3) Watch Your Portion Sizes
Busy life on the go means that you’ll stop for fast foods
once in a while. If you must, ensure that you go for the smaller size for your meals. Even if you eat
home-cooked meals, ensure that you serve small portions. This way, you’ll have
no trouble regulating your calorie intake.
(4) Go For Grilled When Possible
You see, the breaded and fried chicken or meats that most
fast food eateries offer are extremely high in fat and calories. Don’t stuff
your mouth with these. Instead, opt for healthy side dishes or grilled chicken
sandwiches made with a healthy bread option.
(5) Never Skip Breakfast
Sure, you are in a hurry to beat traffic and get to your
early morning meetings. However, skipping breakfast is a big no-no. After all,
your mom was right - breakfast is the most important meal of the
day. Besides, skipping breakfast has been known to increase diabetes and
obesity risks, as well as cause morning moodiness.
(6) Stay Hydrated
Whether you like it or not, water is crucial to your health. Always get plenty of it while you are at the office and you can also keep a bottle handy in your handbag. Remember water does the body good so fill up.