of years ago before man started growing cereals, humans hunted animals and gathered roots and
fruits for their food. This is what is now considered as the Paleo diet. Was the
diet better than we take today? Can the diet provide for the nutritional needs
of the modern man? Here are some highlights of the caveman diet.
The Paleo diet advocates the same foods that were taken
by the hunting and gathering ancestors. It involves meats, fruits, seafood,
meats, and vegetables. The diet lowers the body’s glycemic load and has a healthy ratio
of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids. Moreover, it increases the nutrient
and vitamin consumption. Health experts have found that this diet also contains
an optimal balance of carbohydrates, fat,
and proteins.
Was the diet healthier?
While some
of the health benefits of the Paleo diet are unproven, several benefits can be derived
from the diet. The ancestors did not have as
many chronic diseases as we do today even if part of benefits came from the
lifestyle they led. One of the
problems that the modern population has is obesity. It has developed from a high
intake of salty and fatty foods as well as excess carbohydrates. The ancestors
took in food that was low in fat (they ate lean meat), did not take processed
salt and cereals at all. The physical exercise that is involved in the hunting
and gathering also contributed to low weight gain.
essence, the diet was healthy in many aspects. However, today it is required we
take in additional supplementation from dairy products, and carbohydrates to
take care of the modern man’s energy needs that are disproportionate to the
Stone Age Period. So what are the benefits to eating like the cavemen. Lets
analyze the Paleo diet.
The benefits of the Paleo diet
When on the Paleo diet, you eat are eating food that is natural unprocessed without any additive and
preservatives. The more you take in whole foods, the lesser the body craves for
sugared and salted foods.
Part of
the Paleo diet involves an exercise regimen. This
further enhances your health.
- · Reduction of inflammation
Inflammation is usually caused by the damaged gut lining. It causes some autoimmune diseases and allergies. The Paleo diet deals with
the major causes of inflammation namely alcohol, sugar, and gluten.
- · Fewer cravings
The Paleo
diet increases the intake of healthy fats and proteins. These foods help you
stay satisfied for long. In the end, you
eat less, and you do not feel deprived.
So did the
cavemen have a much healthier diet than we do today. Perhaps they did. They ate
from the earth which is the most wholesome and healthy way for your body to get
all the nutrients that it needs. In this instance we just might need to regress
and live as the cavemen did.