Do you know with so many products out there, you can find yourself spending hundreds of dollars on products just to get your hair like you want it. This can get expensive. Have you thought about the natural ways to get that bouncy curl or the shiny hair. Using organic products on the hair will not hurt your pockets. Organic products are good on the hair because they are organic and the products soak into the scalp nourishing the roots which is where the hair grows. Products filled with chemicals can weigh the hair down. You need natural ingredients that will give your hair that healthy flow and glow. Lets take a look at some products that you can use.
Eggs Are Not Just For Scrambling
Do you know that eggs are not just for Easter or scrambling. You can use them in your hair. Eggs are full of protein and vitamins as well as fat that provide excellent conditioning to dry and brittle hair. All you have to do is whisk up a cup of eggs and apply it to wet hair and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse and you will have an all natural protein treatment that will strengthen your hair.
Honey I'm Home
If you have dry hair then you need a little honey. Honey has so many uses. People seldom see it as an organic option for the hair. Every pantry has honey in the home. You can use it as a conditioner to help mend the cuticles as well as give it a soft feel. All you need is three tablespoons and add it to wet hair and leave on for about 30 minutes before rinsing out. You will definitely notice a difference.
Avocado Your Hair
Avocados can be used as a hair mask as well as a facial mask. Avocados contain antioxidants and Vitamin E that is excellent to help strengthen thin and brittle hair. All you have to do is mash the avocado and apply it to clean wet hair. Cover the hair for about an hour and then rinse. You will see a difference.
Apple Cider and Lemons Oh My!
These two products are great in restoring shine to dry and
dull hair. Lemon closes the scalp’s
pores and removes excess oil from the hair making it bouncier and healthier. All you have to do is mix lemon-water ratio 1:2 and apply and rinse. Apple cider vinegar guards against dandruff and itchy scalp. It helps remove excess oil which makes hair shiny, bouncy and clean. Apply it with equal
parts warm water to your hair and wait thirty minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.
Organic Oil Serums Great for
Growth and Strength
Oil serums can be rather expensive. So when it comes time for putting a serum on your hair, using an organic option just might be the way to go. Coconut oil is an excellent conditioner for this. Castor oil, lavender oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil and almond oil strengthen the hair, increase its
shine and nourish it with every use. Now, doesn't it make since to use what's natural on the natural you. Organic no doubt may prove to be your best option.