Jamie Oliver is one of the most famous green lifestyle advocates in Britain. He advocates ditching the processed foods and eating more healthy foods. His restaurant focuses on only healthy food, and he has in fact written many cookbooks on how to infuse green food into your diet.
His television series 'Jamie at Home' focuses on helping people revolutionize the way they eat. The program encourages viewers to grow their food at home or purchase goods from local farms. This is a sure way to get all natural and chemical-free foods that still has most of its nutrients intact.
Aside from encouraging viewers to adopt a healthy lifestyle and sharing great recipes through his cookbook and programs, Jamie has helped to revamp the lunch program of at least 60 schools in the United States. Jamie's target is both adults and children in this program. He was quoted saying that, "43 million children under 5 are overweight or obese. Our kids are growing up overweight and malnourished from a diet of processed foods and today's children will be the first generation ever to live shorter than their parents. It's time for a change." He is a proponent of these 2 principles:
Our Health Is Dependent On What We Eat.
As a renowned chef, Jamie Oliver believes that what we eat determines how healthy we become. He emphasizes on eating healthy natural food, especially green foods. According to Jamie "real food doesn't have ingredients, real food is ingredients itself." He goes further to say "Homicide is 0.8% of death while diet-related diseases are 60%, yet no one talks about it." That is quite a profound statement. To Jamie, we are what we eat and when we eat more green and fresh food, we will enjoy the fruits of good health.
Train Your Child To Eat More Green Food
Aside from encouraging adults to eat more healthy food, Jamie also believes it is essential to train our children to eat more greens. He stated that children are obese and overweight not because they are eating more foods, but because they eat too much processed food that provides them with little or no nourishment.
He emphasized on feeding children with the right kinds of food. Food that nourishes and build their body. Food that can help them to retain a longer life. In one of his quotes, he says, "Imagine a world where children are fed tasty and nutritious; real food at school from the age of 4 to 18. A world where every child was educated in how amazing food is, where it comes from, how it affects the body, and how it can save their life." He added that "your child will live a life ten years younger than you because of the landscape of food that we've built around them."
To Jamie, we can rescue the present generation from the diseases caused by diet by teaching them to eat the right kind of food which comes from mother earth.